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Human Resource Development Project of Environmental Education 2016

The objective and content of this program is to hold the Environmental Educator Advanced Training Workshops and the Social Participatory Fair through cooperating with the environmental education regional centers and local authorities, for the sake of developing environmental education human resource and facilitating relevant social service platforms. Tasks include holding the Environmental Education Human Resource Conferences, the Environmental Educator Advanced Training Workshops, and the Social Participatory Fair (all by region,) editing e-books for environmental educational professions, conducting on-line survey for social condition and request of certificated individuals, and aggregating video records from the Primary Environmental Educator Class and the Professions’ Speeches. The achievements and advices are as below: I. Holding the Environmental Education Human Resource Conferences: Conferences were held at the north, the middle, the south, and the east region of Taiwan, with representatives invited from environmental education regional centers and local environmental protection bureaus, and experts and professionals in the field. Comments and advices regarding environmental educational policies and certificate promotion were collected through the conference: 1. Purposes and the structure of the Certification need to be clarified. 2. The capability of environmental educators requires continuous  improvement through setting learning maps, which enhances core abilities and cross-disciplinary expertise for professional practices. 3. Adjusting relevant policies can be the approach to increasing demands of environmental educators. 4. The Environmental Education Training Subsidy Fund requires adjustment, and the examination system needs to be set up 5. The Environmental Education Regional Centers and Local Environmental Protection Bureaus can work together as platforms for the connection of the certification system. II. Holding the Environmental Educator Advanced Training Workshops: Through collaborating with Smart Aging Alliance, the National Taiwan University, we managed design thinking workshops to provide cross disciplinary working zones where environmental educators of different specialties can work together and co-develop innovative environmental products. Four workshops were respectively held at the north, the middle, the south, and the east region of Taiwan, with one hundred and twenty-two participants attended. III. Holding the Social Participatory Fair: The Fair had two objectives, which were opened to both environmental educators and the public. One was the Environmental Education Festival joined by fifty-one booths from different environmental units including environmental education regional centers, facilities, relevant private enterprises, and civil society organizations. The other one was the Environmental Professions’ Speeches, with twelve guest speakers in the field of Taiwan Environmental Education sharing experiences with audiences. Four fairs were respectively held at the north, the middle, the south, and the east region of Taiwan, with on thousand three hundred and seven professional and nonprofessional visitors in total. IV. Editing the E-book of Environmental Education Professions: Target audiences were new environmental educators and anyone who was interested in this field. The book provided structures of the Environmental Educators’ Certification, possibilities of the green industry, and relevant information for professional trainings. V. Conducting On-line Survey for Social Condition and Request of Certificated Individuals: We have recovered four hundred and eighty-three copies of the questionnaire, with ten percent recovery rate. The result told us that seventy-seven percent of the certificated applicants are working in governmental, non-profit organizations and schools. Besides, most of the certificated applicants applied for deep concern among environmental issues, only eleven point six of whom were applying for seeking employment. VI. Holding the Primary Environmental Educator Class: The objective was to offer basic environmental education teaching skills for primary educators. A three-unit class was held with thirty environmental educators attended. VII. Aggregating Video Records from the Environmental Professions’ Speeches: Twelve video clips were uploaded to YouTube for public learning.
Environmental Education, Environmental Educators